How to Set Up a Home Gym

Home Gym

Having a home gym is one of the best things you can add to your property. Here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled our top tips to help you set yours up

Finding the Right Space:

The first step to setting up your home gym is to find the right space in your home. Before you begin lifting weights and doing star jumps, the set-up of the room and your space is the most important thing. There is somewhat of a criteria for you to consider when it comes to setting up your home gym, and the first thing to consider is space. Ideally, you need to pick somewhere that is big enough for you to at least place down a yoga mat- where you can do core stretches and exercises. A few other things to consider:

  • The type of flooring in the room.
  • Where is the quietest space in your home?
  • Do you care about being visible to neighbours while you’re exercising?
  • If you’re considering putting your home gym upstairs, how will this impact others downstairs?

Get the Right Equipment:

When it comes to setting up your home gym, it’s important to make sure you have the right equipment. You don’t need a lot of equipment to go in your home gym, and to be honest, sometimes the best home gyms have a small amount of equipment that is multi-functional. Think about what it is you’re wanting to work on when buying your equipment. If your aim is to improve your cardio, then perhaps a treadmill and a weighted jump rope will be perfect, but if you’re planning on strength training, you may want to invest in small weights or a smith machine to do various exercises on.

Create a Motivating Space:

One of the best things about having a home gym is that you can use it whenever at your disposal, however, this doesn’t mean that sometimes you won’t lack the motivation to get up and exercise. Consider how you can make that space somewhere you actively want to go- otherwise it will be a waste. A few things to consider include:

  • The lighting in the room. Unflattering lighting may make the room feel more clinical rather than a gym. Perhaps invest in LED lights to go around the room so you can change them to purple etc. to give the room more ambiance.
  • Think about ventilation. More often than not, gyms have air conditioning on a constant flow to ensure that there are no lingering aromas and that people feel refreshed after exercising. Its worthwhile investing in good ventilation, as you’re not going to want to work out in a stuffy space.
  • Consider the visual aspects of the room. Are you going to include mirrors so you can work on your form? It’s a good idea to include perhaps motivational images or quotes to spur you along during those weaker moments.
  • If you like to work out to music, then include a sound system in your home gym so you can blast your favourite songs while pumping iron.

This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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