When combined with other methods like a healthy life style and nutrition, regular exercise is an effective way of losing weight. High intensity exercise in particular has been one of the perfect ways that help people manage a healthy weight. Other physical activities like running, walking, swimming and cycling have major impact on weight loss. Exercise helps lose excess fat by burning calories helping individuals to deal with obesity and weight gain. Let us look at some exercises that can help in weight loss.
Resistance Training
While all physical activities can be effective in weight management, resistance training like weight lifting may be better. It does not only help you lose excess weight but also increases the strength and mass of your muscles. More muscles are essential in increasing a person’s metabolism by aiding in burning more calories all the time even when you are resting. Incorporate resistance training in your daily physical activities to effectively lose weight and support you ling-term plan.
When combined with other weight loss methods like weight loss treatment, high intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the most successful weight loss techniques. It involves interchanging short intense exercises with rest sessions. Most high intensity exercises take less than 20 minutes long but have high results. They are preferred in weight loss journey due to their quicker results. The best thing about HIIT is that they take short time to perform allowing even the busiest person to have time for exercise.
Nonetheless, visiting a health care provider before starting any HIIT exercise can be helpful. You get professional checkup, advice and go ahead. These types of exercises might not be the best for people with certain health conditions like heart disease. The intensity can lead to heart attack and other health issues.
Exercise and Appetite
Physical exercise trainers have stated a correlation between exercise and appetite. Some people say that exercise makes them eat more as the feel hungrier after a vigorous exercise. However, most studies show that exercise has an appetite-suppressing effect. Short HIIT exercises, in particular can suppress ones appetite but more research is needed.
Other Benefits of Exercise
Apart from weight loss, physical activity has other benefits to your body.
Physical activity is effective in preventing or delaying the onset of some chronic diseases like heart diseases. When you exercise, you breakdown excess fats that can contribute to poor circulation and related conditions like diabetes and obesity.
Are you stressing about something? Try to take a short exercise and you will be surprised to the effect it can have on your mental illness. Workout releases happy hormones helping you to forget about other things and focus on the current moment.
You do not only maintain healthy weight when you exercise, but you also gain muscle strength. Strong muscles can endure challenging exercises and improve your performance.
In conclusion, exercise can present numerous benefits to our bodies including weight loss. Whether you think you are healthy or not, exercise is essential. Â Incorporate workout in your daily activities and you will automatically improve your health and even have a controlled weight. When combined with other methods like good nutrition, it can be highly effective. Some recommended weight loss exercises are HIIT, strength and resistance training. Exercise also improves our health, enhances our mood, and boosts our energy for the daily chores.