Why Do Lunges?

Why Do Lunges?

The perfect exercise for bodyweight, the lunge doesn’t require equipment. I’m happy to share more information about them.

Lunges are great for exercises that target body weight.

You can work your:

  • Quadriceps (front of the thighs)
  • Gluteus Maximus (butt)
  • Hamstrings (backside of your thighs).
  • Calves (lower leg muscles)
  • Core
  • Because they are more in line with how the body evolved to move, we love compound exercises. It’s the same concept as functional exercise. Functional exercise is one that helps you in your daily life. If you are bending down to tie your shoes, it is likely that you are doing some kind of lunge variation. You must balance throughout the movement. Lunges can help you to achieve better balance. As you go about your day, this will help in many ways. There is no better exercise for your lower body than a squat. You can also add weight to dumbbells or kettlebells to make them more challenging.

 To perform a forward lunge:

  1. Stand tall with your feet together, keeping your legs straight.
  2. Keep your torso straight and engage your core. Your hands should be on your hips.
  3. You can take a huge step forward by using the leading leg. You will land your heel first.
  4. Your leading leg should be lowered until it is parallel to the ground. Your forward knee should be aligned with your leading foot.
  5. As your back knee moves forward, it will touch the Earth. However, don’t let it touch the ground.
  6. To return to the starting position, press into your heel.
  7. Continue with the opposite side.

It will look like this: No problem if a regular lunge is too difficult for you right now. You can still do assisted lunges. Your hands will make the assisted lunge different. To support yourself, you will need something to hold onto. You could use a weight lifting platform (as shown in the video), or a doorway to your home. Or, you could just grab a sturdy chair.

You could also use a park bench to make this area more comfortable. A split squat is another option that can get you moving (the assisted version shown below): This exercise helps keep your feet planted and makes it easier to balance and manage the exercises when you start.

Split squats might be a better choice for people with knee problems. It is easier to control the depth and maintain your movement pain-free. Let’s now talk about the many different forms of lunge you can do. We’ll be focusing an entire section on the most popular variant, the reverse lunge.

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