What are the Stages of Grief?

Stages of Grief

Each person deals with grief in a different way. But there are certain stages that most people go through. Grief and loss can be difficult to deal with, and they can be extremely traumatic. The experts at Psych Blossom say that it is hard to comprehend what it feels like to lose a loved one until you actually experience it. Moreover, there is no right or wrong way to react. Some people will find it impossible to cope and are unable to resume daily life for a long time thereafter. Others learn to cope with their grief sooner but can be hit with unexpected bouts of sadness and loss months or even years later.

As mentioned above, there are a few stages of grief and loss that most people will experience, and everyone’s experience of grief is different. Some people will go through every stage while others will only experience a few.

The Stages of Grief


The loss of a loved one is a shock to the system, even when it is expected. A sudden death can be a massive shock, but even when a loved one is dying and you know that death is coming, it can be a shock when it actually happens. Those who are in shock often carry on as normal because their brain and body has not processed what has happened yet.


It is hard to accept that a loved one has gone and that you will never be able to speak to them again. Some people don’t know how to deal with the emotions; denying that it has happened makes it easier to cope. Pretending that the loss hasn’t occurred by refusing to mention it and going about normal life is quite common in those experiencing denial.


It is common to feel anger when someone you love dies. You might be angry at them for dying or you may direct your anger at someone else. You might even blame yourself or take out your frustration on inanimate objects. Some people will suppress their anger and instead of letting their feelings out will become bitter or resentful.


People who are experiencing grief and loss might try to make a deal with a higher power and make promises in order for things to go back to the way they were. There might also be feelings of ‘what if’ or ‘if only’ as the individual seeks answers as to why the event has happened.


When the news finally sinks in, the person might start to experience deep feelings of loss and sadness. These feelings can be very intense. For some people they are persistent, while for others they come and go in waves. It is not uncommon for depression to make a person feel like there is no meaning to life anymore.


Most people will pass through the depression stage and learn to accept what has happened. They might always feel a sense of loss and sadness, but they will be able to move on and start to live a normal life again.


Grieving is different for everyone, and it is impossible to know how it will affect you. The way in which you deal with it and how long it takes you to process it is individual to you and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Nevertheless, if you are struggling to move past the loss of a loved one, you may need counseling. Expressing how you feel to a stranger can be immensely helpful and can help you to make sense of your loss.

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